German shipyard hands over second of four submarines to Singapore

Post Content
2024-07-03 19:08:40

Iran hands Nobel winner fresh jail term - lawyer

2024-06-18 19:08:19

Putin extends defence ministry purge, hands job to a relative

Post Content
2024-06-17 18:08:17

Watch: Cow hit by police car gets to its feet

Footage shared with the BBC shows the animal looking stunned in the aftermath of the incident on a Surrey street.
2024-06-16 09:08:51

Watch: World's tallest rideable bicycle measures 25 feet, 5 inches

Post Content
2024-06-11 00:06:51

Jury begins deliberating in historic Hunter Biden case

The fate of the US president's son now lies in the hands of 12 jurors in Delaware.
2024-06-10 22:10:56

UK's future in your hands, Starmer tells voters

The Labour leader says the general election would be an opportunity to "change the country".
2024-05-22 23:07:01

Commons ovation for MP who lost limbs to sepsis

Conservative MP Craig Mackinlay arrives in the Commons after losing his hands and feet to sepsis.
2024-05-22 19:08:09

Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise Palestinian state

Israel says the move will not create peace in the region and is playing into Hamas's hands.
2024-05-22 18:08:50

Commons ovation for MP who lost limbs to sepsis

Conservative MP Craig Mackinlay arrives in the Commons after losing his hands and feet to sepsis.
2024-05-22 18:08:46

Commons ovation for MP who lost limbs to sepsis

Conservative MP Craig Mackinlay arrives in the Commons after losing his hands and feet to sepsis.
2024-05-22 14:09:45

Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise Palestinian state

Israel says the move will not create peace in the region and is playing into Hamas's hands.
2024-05-22 13:08:02

My feet and hands were amputated after sepsis , MP says

Craig Mackinlay was given a 5% chance of survival after being rushed to hospital in September.
2024-05-21 22:08:27

King Charles hands over military role to William

The King carries out a symbolic handing over of the baton to his eldest son.
2024-05-13 14:09:11

Look, no hands! My trip on Seoul's self-driving bus

A technology company has been testing autonomous buses on the streets of the South Korean capital.
2024-04-21 05:06:26

German court hands Islamic State terrorist 5.5 year sentence

Post Content
2024-04-12 22:07:56

3D printer constructs stunning data center hands-free in 140 hours

Post Content
2024-03-23 14:09:33

Diana's press attention more dangerous than Kate scrutiny - Spencer

Earl Spencer also tells Laura Kuenssberg about the violent punishments he and his sister suffered at the hands of a nanny.
2024-03-16 18:08:53

China 'committed genocide against Uighurs' - Mike Pompeo

The declaration comes a day before the Trump administration hands over to President-elect Joe Biden.
2021-01-19 22:06:00

Fundraising feet: Capt. Tom's legacy lives in 11-year-old

2021-02-03 17:05:58

A zsákmányára hajtott, majdnem leharapta a halász kezét egy cápa Új-Zélandon ? Videó

Felkavaró videó kezdett vírusként terjedni az interneten, amin egy új-zélandi férfi látható, ahogy majdnem leharapja a kezét egy cápa. Az esetről a Metro is beszámolt, ők azt írják, a 18 éves Jahmon Wilson épp megfogott egy királyhalat, amikor a közelben lévő többi halász figyelmeztette, hogy egy cápa közelít felé. Ám még mielőtt a férfi védekezhetett volna, a hatalmas bronzcápa már ott is termett, és elorozta a zsákmányt a férfi markából. Csak centimétereken múlott, hogy nem harapta le a halász kezét is. Wilson később azt mondta, először csak az hitte, a királyhalban maradt még némi élet és ...
2021-02-04 15:05:42

Myanmar coup: Mass protests defy coup leader's plea

Gen Min Aung Hlaing's call to "join hands" with the military is met with huge nationwide rallies.
2021-02-12 09:06:02

Myanmar coup leader: 'Join hands' with army for democracy

2021-02-12 09:06:02

Kijárási korlátozás: a börtönt választotta lakótársai helyett egy brit férfi

Feladta magát a rendőrségen egy körözés alatt álló brit férfi, mert a kijárási korlátozások miatt már nem bírta elviselni lakótársait, és nyugalomra vágyott ? jelentette a brit sajtó. A Sussex megyében élő, meg nem nevezetet férfi Burgess Hill város rendőrkapitányságára telefonált be, hogy jelezze, feladja magát. Nyugalomra és csendre vágyott ? magyarázta a férfi döntését Darren Taylor nyomozó. Elmondása szerint a férfi inkább a börtön választotta, mint azt, hogy még több időt töltsön azokkal, akikkel egy házban élt. A férfit a brit sajtóban megjelent hírek szerint a próbaidőre bocsájtás felt...
2021-02-23 18:05:40

More child migrants are arriving alone in Spain's holiday islands than ever before. This is what happens to them

Elementary school children don't typically venture far from home on their own, but 11-year-old Abou managed to cross a stretch of the Atlantic Ocean, from Africa to Europe, in the hands of strangers.
2021-02-27 00:06:46

More child migrants are arriving alone in Spain's holiday islands than ever before. This is what happens to them

Elementary school children don't typically venture far from home on their own, but 11-year-old Abou managed to cross a stretch of the Atlantic Ocean, from Africa to Europe, in the hands of strangers.
2021-02-27 00:06:47

The Golden Globes are considered a big party. This year, they'll air under two clouds

The Golden Globes are celebrated as a star-studded party, but this year they'll air under a pair of clouds -- one due to the difficulty in staging a free-wheeling awards show during a pandemic, the other lined by fresh allegations about questionable ethical practices involving the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the group that hands out the trophies.
2021-02-27 00:06:51

Autós rablás videón: a kocsival húzták a földön az áldozatot

Testi és lelki sebeket is szerzett az a kaliforniai nő, akit brutálisan raboltak ki a minap. Egy oaklandi kozmetikai üzlet kamerája vette fel a rettenetes jelenetet: a nőtől ismeretlenek el akarták ragadni a retiküljét, ám a táska a vállán volt keresztbe vetve, vele együtt húzták autóval az elkövetők. A nő vásárlás után ment a saját kocsijához, amikor a rablók megtámadták, és mintegy ötven méteres szakaszon húzták a kocsi mellett. A nő férje nyilatkozott az ügyről, elmondása szerint felesége azóta is reszket a félelemtől. A sérülései szerencsére nem súlyosak. A felvétel megtekintését csak erő...
2021-02-27 12:06:40

2 feet of snow to bury portions of Korean Peninsula, Japan

2021-02-28 19:06:55

Erling Haaland: The making of Europe's next football superstar

He's just 20, but Borussia Dortmund's Erling Braut Haaland already appears to have the world at his feet. With Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi nearing the end of their careers, has football found its next superstar?
2021-03-05 18:05:42

Perseverance rover takes its first drive on Mars

The NASA Perseverance rover has taken its first drive on Mars, traveling about 21 feet and doing a little spin across Jezero Crater. And that first 33-minute test drive on Thursday went "incredibly well," according to Anais Zarifian, Perseverance's mobility test bed engineer.
2021-03-06 01:05:42

Myanmar's ethnic groups have long suffered from military brutality. The junta gave them a common foe

For many of Myanmar's ethnic minorities, the bloodshed inflicted across the country's towns and cities this week is a continuation of the oppression they have suffered at the hands of the military for decades.
2021-03-06 04:05:39

The slew of Senate Republican retirements prove who's in charge of the GOP now

Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt's surprise retirement announcement Monday adds his name to a growing list of GOP establishment politicians who no longer recognize the party they represent and have decided to walk away rather than face the peril of losing their career at the hands of a Donald Trump-inspired base that views them a insufficiently loyal to the cause.
2021-03-08 19:05:45

They can only hold hands, but for Britain's elderly, first touch with a relative 'means everything'

In a small nursing home by the southern English seaside, David Alexander, 89, walks into his wife's bedroom for the first time since October.
2021-03-12 10:06:44

They can only hold hands, but for Britain's elderly, first touch with a relative 'means everything'

In a small nursing home by the southern English seaside, David Alexander, 89, walks into his wife's bedroom for the first time since October.
2021-03-12 10:06:44

They can only hold hands, but for Britain's elderly, first touch with a relative 'means everything'

In a small nursing home by the southern English seaside, David Alexander, 89, walks into his wife's bedroom for the first time since October.
2021-03-12 18:06:46

They can only hold hands, but for Britain's elderly, first touch with a relative 'means everything'

In a small nursing home by the southern English seaside, David Alexander, 89, walks into his wife's bedroom for the first time since October.
2021-03-12 18:06:46

Taiwan urges citizens not to change their name to 'salmon' to get free sushi

Sushi is a favorite meal for many people around the world, but some residents in Taiwan are going to extraordinary lengths to get their hands on it for free -- by officially renaming themselves "salmon" to take advantage of a restaurant promotion.
2021-03-18 21:05:43

Taiwan urges citizens not to change their name to 'salmon' to get free sushi

Sushi is a favorite meal for many people around the world, but some residents in Taiwan are going to extraordinary lengths to get their hands on it for free -- by officially renaming themselves "salmon" to take advantage of a restaurant promotion.
2021-03-18 21:05:43

YouTuberek oldották meg egy 12 éve eltűnt ember rejtélyét

Az Adventures with Purpose YouTube-csatorna csapata búvárokból áll, akik azzal harcolnak a környezetszennyezés ellen, hogy járműveket húznak ki folyók, tavak mélyéről. Tavaly májusban élőben közvetítették, ahogy egy rég elsüllyedt Mazdát húznak ki a Willamette folyóból, Oregonban. A vidám hangulatú forgatás azonban hamar drámaira fordult, amikor észrevették, hogy egy holttest is van a roncsban ? írja a LadBible című brit bulvárlap. A YouTuberek azonnal értesítették a rendőrséget, akik a ronccsal együtt elszállították a holttestet. Később kiderült, hogy a búvárok a 2008-ban eltűnt Timothy Edwa...
2021-03-19 09:06:21

Covid: The clarinettist who took on Lebanon's vaccine scandal

When Joseph al-Hajj learned politicians were jumping the queue, he took action into his owns hands.
2021-03-24 02:06:33

Cristiano Ronaldo: Are Portugal a better team without the country's greatest player?

Portugal manager Fernando Santos has a dilemma on his hands - embrace the next generation, trust in his country's greatest player or try to combine both approaches?
2021-03-24 08:06:55

Fifa hands former president Sepp Blatter new ban

Fifa bans ex-president Sepp Blatter from football until 2028 after giving him a new suspension of six years and eight months.
2021-03-24 14:07:23

Nagorno-Karabakh: The mystery of the missing church

The BBC investigates the disappearance of an Armenian church that changed hands in the recent Nagorno-Karabakh war.
2021-03-25 02:06:10

Liverpool twins separated at birth 'cuddle and hold hands'

A mother says her twins "were cuddling and holding hands" as they were reunited after two weeks.
2021-03-25 15:06:38

Paul Stewart: Survivor of child sex abuse in football reflects on review of English FA

A review into historic child abuse in English football released on Wednesday found the game's governing body showed "significant institutional failings" in delaying the implementation of child protection measures between October 1995 and May 2000. Paul Stewart is one of those survivors. Stewart told CNN's Don Riddell what he experienced at the hands of his abuser and why Wednesday's report doesn't go far enough.
2021-03-27 00:06:49

Why are Red Bull on top? Bahrain GP all you need to know

It's been a long time coming, but finally Mercedes appear to have a real challenge on their hands. And all because of a rake...
2021-03-28 01:06:23

We asked kids what they would do free the ship in Suez Canal

A container ship has been stuck in the Suez Canal since Tuesday, and authorities say they'll remove up to 706,000 cubic feet of sand to free the ship.
2021-03-28 19:06:04

Teen paralyzed in crash stands on feet

2021-03-29 19:06:01

Heavy gunfire near Niger presidential palace in attempted coup, days before President-elect's inauguration

Heavy gunfire was heard outside Niger's presidential palace early Wednesday morning in an attempted coup, an African diplomatic source has told CNN -- just two days before power is to change hands.
2021-03-31 14:05:41

Supreme Court hands Google victory in multibillion-dollar case

The Supreme Court has handed Google a win in a decade-old case in software development, holding that the technology giant did not commit copyright infringement against Oracle when it copied snippets of programming language to build its Android operating system.
2021-04-05 19:05:45

Suez Canal authorities need to remove up to 706,000 cubic feet of sand to free the Ever Given

Rescue teams working to dislodge the giant container ship blocking the Suez Canal have failed in another bid to free the boat, according to the vessel's technical manager.
2021-04-06 00:05:43

Remote working: Is Big Tech going off work from home?

After much hype about working from home, some tech companies are getting cold feet.
2021-04-06 02:06:31

World Health Day: 5 things the pandemic has revealed about well-being

As people around the world have spent the past year trying to dodge a deadly virus, everyone has learned more about masks, social distancing and washing hands than anyone thought possible.
2021-04-07 14:05:42

Navalny: Jailed Putin critic 'losing sensation in legs and hands'

The Putin critic has been diagnosed with spinal hernias and his health is worsening, a lawyer says.
2021-04-08 03:06:13

Kylian Mbappe's brace hands PSG a thrilling Champions League victory over Bayern Munich

PSG defeated Bayern Munich 3-2 in a thrilling, end-to-end Champions League encounter on Wednesday thanks to two goals from star striker Kylian Mbappe.
2021-04-08 12:05:41

Jordan Henderson hands social media accounts to charity, as clubs begin boycott due to racist abuse

Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson has handed control of his social media channels over to an anti-cyberbullying charity due to continuing online racist abuse.
2021-04-09 13:05:40

Volcano erupts in the Caribbean, sending ash over three miles into the air

A volcano on the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean erupted, authorities reported Friday, sending ash plumes 20,000 feet into the air.
2021-04-09 18:05:40

Jordan Henderson hands social media accounts to charity, as clubs begin boycott due to racist abuse

Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson has handed control of his social media channels over to an anti-cyberbullying charity due to continuing online racist abuse.
2021-04-09 18:05:42

12-foot alligator killed, items found in stomach

2021-04-09 19:05:54

New Christ statue in Brazil will be taller than Rio's

Brazil is building one of the world's tallest statues of Jesus in Encantado, Rio Grande do Sul, standing 43 meters (140 feet) tall.
2021-04-14 02:05:45

Adam Toledo: Chicago releases video of police shooting boy

Adam Toledo raises his hands but does not appear to be holding a gun in the moment he was shot.
2021-04-16 02:06:11

What we know about the jury in Chauvin's trial

Derek Chauvin's fate is in the hands of an unseen, unnamed jury of 12 people who were selected for their ability to be fair and impartial in one of the most closely watched trials of the Black Lives Matter era.
2021-04-20 23:05:39


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